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Chef Alain’s Weekly Recap – Week 52

July 24, 2015

 Poulet Farci

Chef Alain’s Weekly Recap – Week 52

Chef Alain’s Blog

The perfect oil for Alzheimer’s patients? Your brain is a large energy consumer. Its main fuel is glucose (sugar). Without this fuel, not only your brain cells, called neurons, cease to function but they begin to wither and die. Read more HERE

Video of the week

1. How Regenerative Agriculture Can Go Large-Scale, With the Help of Chickens with Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin. You can see the interview HERE

2. GMO = Foreign Substance. HERE is an excerpt of the movie BOUGHT!

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Chef Alain’s Weekly Recipe

Poulet Farci

Poulet Farci aux Riz et Figues. Roasted Chicken Stuffed with Rice and Figs

A wonderful and sweet way to cook a chicken. I’ll bet you never tasted such a treat!

Servings: 4-6

Oven Temp: 400F

Prep Time: 20 min.

Cooking Time: 45 min.

This recipe is GFCF


1 large free range Chicken and its giblets

2 Tbsp Olive oil

2 medium Onions, sliced

Salt and Pepper to taste

10 Black figs in season or 10 dried figs/ soaked in warm water, then drained

8 oz White rice

1 pint Water


1. Ask your friendly butcher or farmer to empty the chicken but reserve the giblets. They will add a whole lot of flavor to this dish.

2. Place your rice in a colander; rinse with warm water until the draining water is clear, taking the starch out of the rice.

3. In a large pot, heat the oil at medium heat. Sauté the onions until they become transparent.

4. Chop the giblets coarsely. Cut the tail and bottom off each fig. Cut each into eight sections.

5. Add the figs and giblets to the onions and cook until the giblets turn from pink to brown. Add the water, salt and pepper. Add the rice and mix well. Bring to boil and simmer for 20 minutes, or until the rice is cooked. Let cool a little.

6. Preheat your oven at 400F.

7. Dry the inside of your chicken carefully. Stuff ¾ of the way with the rice stuffing. Reserve the rest for later. Sew up with white thread.

8. Place the chicken in an oiled oven dish. Sprinkle with cayenne and sea salt. Bake on the middle rack for about 45 minutes. To make sure the chicken is cooked, poke it with a sharp object. If the juice coming out is yellow, it’s ready. If it comes out pink, not ready yet. Add more time.

9. When the chicken is cooked, take it out and let rest for 5 minutes. It will be easier to cut that way. Meanwhile, warm up the reserved rice stuffing and serve them together.

10. That’s it. I hope this information will help you make the safest decision for your child’s health and well being. Sincerely,

Bon Appetit! Chef Alain Braux

From: Living Gluten and Dairy-Free on


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GMO 101 Paleo French CuisineGluten and Dairy-FreeHealthy French CuisineLower CholesterolCocina Francesa Saludable Por Menos de $10 dolares por dia

Until next week, I wish you a great week.

A Votre Sante – To Your Health

Merci! Chef Alain Braux


comments :

December 19, 2015 by Silvia

Thank you for sharing. Recently I have been pucriashng whole chickens and smoking them. The leftovers last for a few days and they cook in 1 hour 20 minutes. I am going to try this recipe. It looks delicious. Thanks again.

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