Alain Braux nutritional therapy food allergies dietary healing desert gluten free fresh healthy

cherries, a mortar & pestle, and a bit of mint a tomato garlic more garlic lemon basil

2015 Ancestral Food Summit

June 3, 2015

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2015 Ancestral Food Summit


My friend Joe Salama (Paleo Miracle – The Tao of Paleo) and The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund are proud to bring you FIFTEEN EXCLUSIVE interviews of the leaders of the Paleo and Ancestral Movements.

This year’s Ancestral Food Summit will be happening June 5-9, 2015.

Click here to sign up for the Ancestral Food Summit



Click here to sign up for the Ancestral Food Summit


This second Ancestral Food Summit includes 11 hours of exclusive content!! Featuring:

– Nora Gedgaudas

– Paul Jaminet

– Dr. Cate Shanahan

– Dr. Lynda Frassetto

– Mark Sisson

– Jimmy Moore

-Kaayla Daniel, PhD

– Dr. Rick Henriksen

– Sarah Ballantyne

– Keith Norris

– Kendall Kendrick

– Dr. Josh Turknett

– Darryl Edwards

Chris Masterjohn

– Stephanie Welch


Click here to sign up for the Ancestral Food Summit


Among the many topics our gurus cover are:


– Why gluten is potentially damaging to everyone

– How to be paleo while carrying your baby, while breast feeding, and while raising a newborn

– How to feed the baby paleo

– How to talk to your doctor about paleo

– How we can change mainstream medicine

– What most people who eat paleo are doing wrong

– Nutrient deficiencies in the mainstream Paleo community

– Why we should ALL consider recording what we eat

– A more intelligent and lesser known approach to the two-sided calories in/out debate

-How to get your family paleo

– Resistant starch, and supplementation of potato starch vs. eating real food

– The optimal carbohydrate intake amount and optimal sources

– The importance of bone broth

– Difficulties and fallacies with current methods of vitamin D testing

– What lifestyles have a tendency to result in low D

– The biggest hurdles people have to learning how to just play

– The lesser-known but nonetheless vital components of the paleo lifestyle

– How sustainable paleo really is for our planet

– The health advantages of barefoot walking

– Why not everyone should eat a paleo diet

– How to find a paleo doctor

– Trends in and criticisms of The Paleo Movement and how we can best contribute

Click here to sign up for the Ancestral Food Summit


Check out last year’s FREE video here:


Click here to sign up for the Ancestral Food Summit


See you there,

Chef Alain Braux

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