Alain Braux nutritional therapy food allergies dietary healing desert gluten free fresh healthy

cherries, a mortar & pestle, and a bit of mint a tomato garlic more garlic lemon basil

2012 Indie Excellence Awards – Healthy French Cuisine wins 2 Finalist Prizes

June 6, 2012

Bonjour y’all

I am happy to announce that Healthy French Cuisine for Less Than $10/Day won two finalist awards in the Cookbook-Regional and Nutrition categories.



Healthy French Cuisine for Less Than $10/Day

Chef Alain Braux

Alain Braux International Publishing, LLC



Healthy French Cuisine for Less Than $10/Day

Chef Alain Braux

Alain Braux International Publishing, LLC

For more details, please see:


comments :

June 7, 2012 by Francesca

I recently bought the book and I have only read a quarter of it till now…I have already changed a lot of the food supplies I had in house and I am discovering so many useful things! I am very happy to have it! Thanks Alan!

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